Saturated in the ichor of the ignoble and inglorious, steeped in the succour of the ossuary omens, rises forth from primordial ooze those conspiratorial ghouls known only as Mauvet Mauve and Putrid Marsh. Neither of these foetid phantoms require any introduction, Mauvet Mauve being the experimental chiptune masterwork of Magnus Eriksson, infamous for his work with Wulkanaz and Wagner Ödegård, Putrid Marsh being the dungeon wyrd swamp synth of The Reclusive Goblin, infamous for its work with Warped Skull and Oozing Tunnel. Both of these wicked scions have been championed by the iron hand of GoatowaRex over the ages, whom is now proud to announce the release of this split incantation for the first time through premium vinyl package expression.
Mauvet Mauve/Putrid Marsh "Mauvet Mauve/Insects Burrowed Within a Rotten Skeleton" Split LP (GoatowaRex)
- Brand: GoatowaRex
- Product Code: LP
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: 07.01.2023