
Mental Devastation "The Delusional Mystery Of The Self" MC
<a href="https://bloodharvestrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-delusional-mystery-of-the-self-part-1..
Burial Choir "The Eucharist of Martyrs" MC
The Eucharist of Martyrs by BURIAL CHOIR Funeral Death Doom from Finland..
Gastric Phantasm / Offal Grinder Split MC
Gastric Phantasm - Offal Grinder by Gastric Phantasm - Offal Grinder split Total filth coming from ..
Haalbuaer "Mortal Ones Scream In Horror" MC
Mortal Ones Scream In Horror by Haalbuaer Frighteningly young, Haalbuaer are a brand-new formation ..
Dräkavtré "Manifestations of Pure Hatred" Demo
Not the same recording but you get the idea:..