
Lord Belial "Unholy Crusade" MC
Lord Belial "Kiss the Goat" MC
Neil Merryweather & the Space Rangers "Space Rangers" MC

Neil Merryweather & the Space Rangers "Space Rangers" MC

Space Rangers by Neil Merryweather & the Space Rangers REGAIN RECORDS is proud to present a LON..


Kaosritual "Svoept Morgenroed" MC

Kaosritual "Svoept Morgenroed" MC

KAOSRITUAL - Svøpt morgenrød: Back in the mid 2000’s Norwegian Black Metal was but a faint memor..


Molested "Blod-Draum" MC

Molested "Blod-Draum" MC

Norwegian death metal classic from 1995 with members who later formed Borknagar.  One of the be..


Nocturnus "The Key" MC (MG Edition)

Nocturnus "The Key" MC (MG Edition)

Used tape from Poland.  The sound quality ranges from very good to not so great so buy at your own r..


Imprecation "Theurgia Goetia Summa" 3 x MC Boxset

Imprecation "Theurgia Goetia Summa" 3 x MC Boxset

Theurgia Goetia Summa by Imprecation ANTI-GOTH 663Split release with Goat Throne RecordsTape 1: "Ce..


Furze "Caw Entrance" MC
Lunar Spells "Demise of Heaven" MC

Lunar Spells "Demise of Heaven" MC

Fast, hateful and sinister melodic Black Metal from Greece. 2022's album! Limited to 100 copies...


Nominon "Diabolical Bloodshed" MC
Venefices “Incubacy” MC (Ex Bestial Raids)

Venefices “Incubacy” MC (Ex Bestial Raids)

ANTI-GOTH 672Bestial Black Metal abomination released from Hades with members of Bestial Raids. Incu..


Xibalba "Ah Dzam Poop Ek" MC

Xibalba "Ah Dzam Poop Ek" MC

Ah Dzam Poop Ek by XibalbaANTI-GOTH 062The highly praised early 90′s Mexican black metal album is av..


Dreadful Relic "Archaeomania" Demo

Dreadful Relic "Archaeomania" Demo

ANTI-GOTH 710(Description by J. Campbell) Foreshadowing the release of their second full-length, ..


Showing 181 to 200 of 1308 (66 Pages)