• Bhleg "Draumr Àst" LP

Managing to capture the essence of every meaning of their name, Swedish BHLEG bring us their incredible debut "DRAUMR AST". Melancholic and grim, ranging from gleaming bleakness to blackened darkness, the album bring out a range of emotions in the listeners that makes them ponder their place in the observable universe, the cosmos.

Hailing from Gothenburg, BHLEG chose not to walk the path laid down by their neighbouring elders but instead they stay true to the vein once heralded by early ULVER and BURZUM but with their own blend of unique style added to this particular strain of black metal.

In Proto-Indo-European BHLEG meant "to shine", and with "DRAUMR AST" the band aspires to do just that.

Bhleg "Draumr Àst" LP

  • $25.00

Tags: 01.01.2022