• Putrid Yell "Consuming Aberration" CD

The murderous rampage of PUTRID YELL lies in the sickened HM-2 evilnoise that already displays a war-command strike on the group’s debut effort “Consuming Aberration”! Cold and reptilian but akin to nails impaling with precision and mastery, PUTRID YELL is the inch-perfect blend of contemporary Swede-saw, proto 90’s outta-control chainsaw sound that fascinated the extreme music world and that undeniable first-gen primal Cogumelo worship; a grating orifice of the absolute radiance of the glorious 80’s South American Black/Death Metal movement.

Putrid Yell "Consuming Aberration" CD

  • $15.00
  • $12.00

Tags: 06.01.2023