• Erebe "Aeon" LP

Silent Future Recordings are proud to present not only the first single from Erebe’s upcoming debut album, “AEON”, but also Simon Fowler’s fantastic cover artwork. With influences ranging everywhere from contemporary music, ambient electronics, and shoegaze to extreme metal in its many guises, Erebe have chiselled out an obsidian slab of otherworldly sounds. With such huge musical versatility within one and the same album, it’s difficult to pick one song that feels representative of the entirety. Nonetheless, we believe that “Drowned” – with its forays through both classic progressive rock and heavy riffing – at least fully encompasses the sense of drama and theatrical flair that drew us to this band in the first place. Erebe commented: “Drowned” is the most rock-oriented track on “AEON”, and one of the first songs we wrote. Lyrically, it’s based on a Jack London novel called Build a Fire, which tells the story of a man dying in the frost. “Drowned” serves as our musical musings about death and human fragility in the face of nature’s almightiness. By using up-tempo drum patterns, we sought to reinforce the dynamic rhythm of the storytelling, while the ‘classic’ approach to song-structure brings us back to the immutability of the natural cycle of life and death.

Erebe "Aeon" LP

  • $25.00

Tags: 05.03.2022