• Damnation Call "Carnage of Soul" CD

Damnation Call were a death metal band from Switzerland. Formed in 1994, the band originally had a run from 1994 to 2000 and apparently got back together in 2003 but nothing is known about the band as of today. From all these active years, the only material they recorded was this EP in 1996. It opens up with a very Morbid Angel-esque riffing style, only to bring forth Northen European influences with some very intricate, and sometimes mind-boggling, riffs. Unexpected changes in the songs are common, as well great bass playing - the world needs more high mixed basses. The cherry on top is definitely the misspelling of "Evil" in the last track...

Damnation Call "Carnage of Soul" CD

  • $12.00

Tags: 11.01.2023